Kaiju Conversation LIVE! returns this spooky season with special guest Donny Winter, whom many might know for his podcast "Growing Up With Godzilla" or his official Toho licensed Godzilla work with IDW.
Elijah is joined by tokusatsu retailer, podcaster, and Kaiju GO! representative Jay Key! With these two on stream together, who knows where the conversation will go!
Elijah gets to chill and BS with fellow Giant Monster and filmmaking friend, Gratton Conwill!
Fresh off of G-Fest, Elijah sits down with his newly acquainted friend David Scrivani to discuss what it's like to podcast, his time at G-Fest, and where his kaiju-upbringing came from!
It's almost G-Fest time! What could possibly be better than Elijah sitting down with Her Royal Majesty?
Elijah is joined by author and G-Fest panelist Neil Rebie to discuss their time in the fandom and fun stories from G-Fest!
Elijah Sits down with special guest Jeffrey Angles and discusses his work on the official “Godzilla” and “Godzilla: Raids Again” novelizations and his love for Japanese cinema.
Elijah finally sits down again with Henry (host of the podcast It Came From a Monster Movie!) to discuss his creativity and explore more topics!
Kaiju Conversation LIVE! is back with Elijah joined by co-founder and editor of Kaiju United, Jacob Lyngle as they talk about the wide-world of Japanese cinema and the fandom at large.
Elijah and third time guest Daniel “Danny” DiManna tackle the greatest Godzilla and kaijū livestream in history with the record-breaking “Godzilla: Minus One” that will be sure to take up an entire day worth of listening for anyone who accepts the challenge of listening to the entire stream! Enjoy the longest Kaiju Conversation LIVE!
In the Halloween mood, Elijah surprises the audiences of Kaiju Conversation LIVE! with the Godfather of kaijū podcasters, Kyle Yount as they talk about his big move to Japan and Japanese culture!
As part of the promotional campaign for the Kickstarter, Elijah gets the privilege to interview returning Kaiju Conversation LIVE! guest, Daniel “Danny” DiManna and “Chill With Kaiju Kim” icon Kim Lacanilao about their upcoming fan-film “Erika” inspired by the characters from the 1989 film “Godzilla vs. Biollante”
In this candid episode of Kaiju Conversation LIVE!, Elijah is joined by fellow Kaiju Ramen staff member and podcaster Michael Hamilton as thew two discuss content creating and letting go of it and their excitement for the upcoming “Godzilla: Minus One”.
For the first time, Kaiju Conversation LIVE! has its first recurring guest with Jack “GJ” Hudgens as he returns to join Elijah in reviewing the movie of the season in Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer”! A biopic of the famous scientist and commentary on what could happen if humanity isn’t careful with its newly discovered power.
Fresh off of All Monsters Attack, Elijah invites Travis Alexander onto Kaiju Conversation LIVE! to talk about Kamen Rider and Japanese media while also promoting a little bit of the upcoming issue of Kaiju Ramen Magazine!
Kaiju Conversation LIVE! is live from outside of somebody’s basement, and now on-scene with the Kaiju Ramen Media LLC team at their first convention with All Monsters Attack in Chicago! Hear from every member of the team as they fight to hold their excitement in and not wake up the neighboring guests…
Kaiju Conversation LIVE! is back with a new special guest as Elijah is joined by ex-podcaster, former filmmaker, and writer Jack “GJ” Hudgens! The two talk about what good cinema means to them and their “hot takes”.
Kaiju Conversation LIVE! returns with a deep dive into the Multiverse of Marchand as Elijah is joined by fellow podcaster and good friend, Nathan “Nate” Marchand to talk about kaijū cinema and content creating!
In the preimeir episode of Kaiju Conversation LIVE!, Elijah is joined by good friend and Kaiju Conversation Rap vocalist, Daniel “Danny” DiManna as they breakdown what it means to love cinema and what it means to both of them.