Elijah Thomas
Kaiju Ramen Media
Kaiju United
Giant Bug Cinema - A Monster Kid’s Guide
Kaiju Ramen Magazine
Issue #1 - Gamera Blu-Ray News
Issue #2 - King Kong vs. Godzilla: Round 1 - The History of Cinema’s Two BIGGEST Icon
Issue #3 - Wrath of the Great Majin
Issue #4 - Ani-Goji: A History of Godzilla in Animated Form
Kaiju Ramen Volume 1: Compilation of articles from issues 2—5
Issue #5 - Zebraman: The Greatest Tokusatsu Movie You’ve Never Heard Of
Issue #6 - Godzilla Goes Bollywood?
Issue #7 - Battle of the Iron Titans: Pulgasari. Galgameth, and the the story of Shin Sang-ok
Issue #8 - Chillin’ With Kaiju Kim: An Interview With the Queen of Kaiju YouTube
Issue #9 - Kong: King of Exploitation
Isuse #10: Growing Up With Godzilla - An interview With Donny Winter
Kaiju Weekly/Kaiju Ramen
Monster Island Film Vault
Episode 47: 'Godzilla, King of the Monsters!' (1956) (feat. Elijah Thomas)
Monster Conversation: Harryhausen Annual #1 – ‘Clash of the Titans’ (1981)
Monster Conversation Ray Harryhausen Annual #2: ‘Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger’
Bonus Episode #14: I was in ‘ZillaFoot’! | Ft. Daniel DiManna and Elijah Thomas
MIFV MAX 27: ‘Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color | Ft. The MIFV Creative Team & Elijah Thomas (Abridged)
Episode 86: ‘The Whale God’ vs. Daniel DiManna vs. Elijah Thomas
Episode 90: ‘Reptilian’ vs. Elijah Thomas | The Monster Island World Tour
Monster Conversation Harryhausen Annual #3: ‘The Golden Voyage of Sinbad’
Kaiju Kim
Talkusatsu: Kaiju YouTuber/Podcaster Round Table | G-FEST 2022
Chill with Kaiju Kim Ep. 52 - Having a Kaiju Conversation with Elijah Thomas
Chill with Kaiju Kim Ep. 58 - Physical Media for Nerds (ft. Elijah Thomas)
Chill with Kaiju Kim (G-FEST 2023 Panel)- Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II 30th Anniversary
Chill with Kajiu Kim Ep. 66 - Godzilla Minus One Discussion (w/ Elijah Thomas & Daniel DiManna)
Chill with Kaiju Kim - Toys FOR THE CHILDREN!!!! (Charity Stream)
Chill with Kaiju Kim Ep. 67- Monsterverse 10 Year Anniversary Discussion
Autistic Lizard Productions
Eric Stolp Bearded Kaiju’s unboxing & reviews
Monsters With Attitude
Donny Winter
Leslie Chambers Kaiju Reviews!
Kaiju United
Kaiju Junkie
The Power Trip: A Journey Through the Power Rangers Franchise
It Came From a Monster Movie!
Henshin Men
Giant Monster BS
The Monster Island Film Vault
Episode 47: ‘Godzilla, King of the Monsters’ (1956) (feat. Elijah Thomas) [Apple] [Spotify]
Monster Conversation: Harryhausen Annual #1 – ‘Clash of the Titans’ (1981) [Apple] [Spotify]
BONUS - Kaiju Conversation LIVE! Episode 2: Into the Multiverse of Marchand (abridged, re-release) [Apple] [Spotify]
Monster Conversation Ray Harryhausen Annual #2: ‘Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger’ [Apple] [Spotify]
Bonus Episode #14: I was in ‘ZillaFoot’! | Ft. Daniel DiManna and Elijah Thomas [Apple] [Spotify]
BONUS – MIFV MAX #27: ‘Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color' | Ft. Damon Noyes, Daniel DiManna, Christopher Riner, and Elijah Thomas (Abridged) [Apple] [Spotify]
Episode 86: ‘The Whale God’ vs. Daniel DiManna vs. Elijah Thomas [Apple] [Spotify]
Episode 90: ‘Reptilian’ vs. Elijah Thomas | The Monster Island World Tour [Apple] [Spotify]
Episode 90 Epilogue – “Cykor II: Electric Boogaloo” [Apple][Spotify]
Monster Conversation Harryhausen Annual #3: ‘The Golden Voyage of Sinbad’ [Apple] [Spotify]
Kaiju Weekly
The Kaiju Groupie Podcast
The Dorkcast
Skywatcher #2 - ZillaFoot (2021)
Director, Producer, Writer - The Invisible Teacher (2021)
Director, Producer, Writer, Actor - Bio Project (2021)
Director, Producer, Co-Writer - SOS: Seek Shelter (2023)
Director, Producer, Writer - Edo Kami no Gyakushu (2024)
Director, Actor - Disectoid (Segment: RUST) (2024)
G-Fest 2022: Talkustasu: Kaiju and Tokusatsu YouTubers/Podcasters Roundtable Panel
G-Fest 2023: Chill with Kaiju Kim: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II
G-Fest 2023: Matango: 60 Years
G-Fest 2023: Korean Kaiju Chaos! Exploring Korea’s Beloved and Obscure Monster Cinema
G-Fest 2024: 50 Years of Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
G-Fest 2024: Godzilla Minus One
G-Fest 2024: Godzilla: Final Wars - 20 Years of Monster Mayhem
G-Fest 2024: Godzilla Turns 70
Bonus Features Producer
Yuzo: The Biggest Battle in Tokyo Blu-ray - SRS Cinema
Liverleaf Blu-ray - SRS Cinema
Liverleaf Special Edition - SRS Cinema
Liverleaf DVD - SRS Cinema
War of the Ninja Monsters: Jaron vs. Goura Blu-ray - SRS Cinema
War of the Ninja Monsters: Jaron vs. Goura DVD - SRS Cinema
Sharkdemic Blu-ray - SRS Cinema
Hoshi 35 Blu-ray - SRS Cinema
Outerman Blu-ray - SRS Cinema
Creative Consultant
SRS Fest
Voice Actor
Scrye Productions
Godzilla Origins: The Animated Series Pilot Episode 1 // ゴジラの起源:アニメシリーズパイロットエピソード1
Godzilla Origins: The Animated Series Episode 2 // ゴジラの起源:アニメシリーズエピソード2
Godzilla Origins Animated Series Episode 3 // ゴジラの起源:アニメシリーズエピソード3
Godzilla Origins Animated Series Episode 4 // ゴジラの起源:アニメシリーズエピソード4
Godzilla Origins:The Animated Series Ep1 Redux (No Subtitles)//ゴジラの起源:アニメシリーズエピソード1 Redux(字幕なし)
Jackson “Rex” Gibbens
Monster Island Film Vault
Liverleaf Blu-ray - SRS Cinema

Photo from the Pickwick Theater’s showing of “Godzilla: Final Wars” (2004). In the picture is Elijah Thomas, Kaiju Conversation alumni Daniel DiManna, Jacob Lyngle, David Scrivani, Kaiju Kim, and Nathan Marchand.

Elijah Thomas on the Chill with Kaiju Kim: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II Panel at G-Fest in 2023. Also accompanying him are Nathan Marchand (Monster Island Film Vault) [Right], Michael Hamilton (Kaiju Ramen Media) [Middle], Daniel DiManna (The Godzilla Novelization Project) [Alt-Left], and Kim Lacanilao (Kaiju Kim) [Left].

All Monsters Attack
Elijah Thomas at the Kaiju Ramen Magazine booth with his fellow staff writers with Robert Monsarrat and Brenden Morley.

Elijah Thomas on the Talkusatsu Roundtable Panel at G-Fest in 2022. Also accompanying him are Jake DeNunzio (Daikaiju Legends) [Right], Michael Callari (Wikizilla) [Third on the right], Daniel DiManna (The Godzilla Novelization Project) [Middle], Nathan Marchand (Monster Island Film Vault) [Second on the left], and Kim Lacanilao (Kaiju Kim) [Left].