Episode 29: Godzilla (1954)
This week, Elijah and Rex sit down and talk about the daikaiju film that started it all! The 1954 classic GOJIRA directed by Ishiro Honda, special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya, and staring Takashi Shimura, Akira Takarada, Momoko Kochi, and Akihiko Hirata.
Episode 28: Interview with Connor Baxter Invader Design
This week Elijah Interviews Connor Baxter of Invader Design about his amazing models and designs.
Bonus Episode 4: Kaiju News Roundtable Discussion
A special bonus episode featuring guests from our Discord server as we have a roundtable discussion about the news that broke this week with Godzilla vs. Kong, Skull Island (anime), Shin Ultraman, Ultra Galaxy Fight, and G-Fest getting cancelled.
Episode 27: Theaters vs. Streaming
Happy New Year! To come into 2021, Elijah sits down with Rex as they chat the somewhat controversial topic of Theaters vs. Streaming!
Episode 26: Tokusatsu in 2021
This week Elijah and Rex talk about what's to come in 2021 and what we can get excited for coming in the form of movies, tv shows, comics, and Blu-ray releases.
Episode 25: Interview With Travis Alexander
In this episode, Elijah sits down and interviews friend of the podcast, Travis Alexander host of Kaiju Weekly, mind behind Kaiju Quarantine, content manager of Kaiju Ramen, socially awkward nerd that has a heart of gold.
Episode 24: The Super Inframan (1975)
This week Elijah sits down with editor Rex again to talk about the 1975 cult film, The Super Inframan. Due to the sheer insanity of this movie, they take most of the time to talk about the facts behind the film's production more so than talking about the film critically.
Episode 23: 2010s Kaiju Films Retrospective
In this episode, Elijah and his editor Rex discuss the kaiju films of the last decade.
Episode 22: Them! (1954) Interview
After appearing on the great Kaiju Weekly, Elijah sits down with two people that saw THEM! (1954) in theaters during it's original theatrical run and asks them about the film.
Episode 21: Curse of the Demon
It's spookay season and Elijah sits down with the best man for the job, Henry the Host! This week they discuss the 1957 horror film, Curse of the Demon!
Bonus Episode 3: 2020 Is Just... Wow
Shorter, solo episode today. I was extremely tired so I apologise. More episodes coming down the pipeworks!!!
Episode 20: Interview With Ben Chaffins On Discovering Tokusatsu
In the first episode of season 2, Elijah sits down with author and interviewer Ben Chaffins of Scifi Japan to discuss his new book; Discovering Tokusatsu.
Kaiju Quarantine 2: Trash Mountain
It's time to trek across the mountain... The TRASH MOUNTAIN! We're joining our fellow podcasters for Kaiju Quarantine 2. Starting May 22nd through the 24th!
[Old] Mid-2020 Announcements
Kaiju Conversation is returning after a show while.
A huge thanks to our friends over at Kaiju Weekly, Tokyo Lives, Monster Island Film Vault, Kaiju Transmissions, Monsters vs. Men Podcast, and Gargantucast!
[Old] Episode 19: Cloverfield [Explicit Warning]
This episode we sit down and learn about one of the newest kaiju franchises.
[Old] Episode 18: Heisei Godzilla Posters Featuring Bianca Wallace
A little late with the upload but enjoy our talk and thoughts with the amazing artist Bianca Wallace about the most beautiful Godzilla posters know to man!
[Old] Episode 17: Alien Commentary
Finally after awhile we have our very first movie commentary and since it's October we might as well do one of the greatest horror/science fiction movies of all time!
[Old] Episode 16: Daikaiju Horror Movies
It's the second week of October and the spooks just keep coming! This week after we discuss horror movies we discuss daikaiju horror movies!
[Old] Episode 15: Horror Movies
It's now October and since it's October let the spooks begin! This week we sit and chat some horror movies we've seen and what we think of them.